[Sls-slp] Splitting the Prox-1 SDLP book - Meeting #2 with Tom Gannett and SLP WG

Kazz, Greg (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu May 23 17:30:16 UTC 2024

Dear SLP WG and interested parties,

We will continue the discussion we had on May 23 to understand more of the details of moving portions of the TC SDLP book (CLCWs) and portions of the Prox-1 SDLP book (SPDUs) including the idea of creating a table of Use in the combined COP book, to limit and recommend when to use COP-P vs COP-1 procedures.

Hopefully we can come to a final decision at this meeting regarding the way forward with this proposal.

Also – Consider this additional input from Tom concerning the timing of moving the information:

[Tom Gannett] One thing I should have mentioned before: I don’t think it’s necessary to remove things from existing specs like Proximity-1 immediately. A better approach in my mind would be to assemble all the elements needed in clean session/COP books but allow the Proximity and TC elements to live on in parallel for a period of time, as we did when we “restructured” the original protocol specs. That would probably make people less uneasy about the initiative while still accomplishing the goal of creating independent specs.

Best regards,

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