[Sls-slp] Proposed SLP WG Spring 2024 meeting agenda

Kazz, Greg (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Apr 3 17:03:34 UTC 2024

Dear SLP WG,

I’ve attached my proposed agenda for our Spring 2024 SLP WG meeting in Washington, D.C., planned for April 30, a Tuesday all day session.
Please let me know if you have any agenda items to add so that I can insert it and inform the Secretariat. Our last meeting minutes from the Fall 2023 at The Hague is also attached for your reference.  The registration material has been sent out by the CCSDS Secretariat, so please be sure to register and be aware of the requirements due to the venue.

As always, safe journey and see you there,
Greg Kazz
Chair SLP WG
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