[Sls-slp] Changes to CCSDS 211.0-B due to Lunar Operations

Kazz, Greg (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Apr 1 22:24:33 UTC 2024

Dear SLP WG,

In preparation for our Spring 2024 SLP WG meetings in Washington D.C., I’d like you all to review the updates I have made to 3 documents (URL below) concerning the update of Prox-1 (CCSDS 211.0-B) for lunar proximity operations.
The updates include a description in Prox-1 of the link negotiation procedure, i.e., the query/response mechanism for settling on the physical parameters used on the working channel. There have been several meetings taking place between the lunar proximity-1 implementors on the lander and orbiter sides, in which they have provided feedback to CCSDS.

The 3 documents are:

  1.  Default Session Access Control Parameters: Settings for hailing at UHF and S-band
  2.  Lunar Prox1 directives: Building from what we learned at Mars and encorporating for example the link negotiation mechanism of Query/Response.
  3.  Updated Prox-1 (CCSDS 211.0-B) which adds the link negotiation mechanism (which was only mentioned before), along with the directives for lunar ops.

You will be familiar with most of this material in these 3 documents since we have been discussing it for several meetings. In concern with our work, we will also see updates from the RF&MOD WG on the CCSDS 211.1-B Physical Layer Prox-1 BB and the CCSDS 211.2-B ….Prox-1 C&S blue book as well from the C&S WG.

I will call a teams meeting to discuss the current status of these documents so all can be informed before we hold our SLP WG and joint meetings in April/May.



Best regards,
Chair SLP WG
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