[Sls-slp] Proposed RID responses to ESA RIDs on CCSDS 211.0-P Prox-1 Pink Sheets

Kazz, Greg J (US 312B) greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 30 23:31:38 UTC 2020

Dear SLP WG,

Please find my proposed RID resolutions to the ESA RIDs on the Proximity-1 Space Data Link Pink Sheets i.e., CCSDS 211.0-P current out for agency review.


There are two files in the subdirectory listed above in which I documented my proposals for resolution. Your comments are welcome. We will go over these resolutions and come to a final resolution at our meetings via webex next week.

Best regards and stay safe !

Greg Kazz
Principal Engineer
Technical Group Supervisor,
Project Software and End-to-End Information Systems Engineering (312B)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr., M/S 301-490
Pasadena, CA 91109
1+(818)393 6529(voice)
1+(818)393 6871(fax)
email: greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov

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