[Sls-slp] Idle Packet Idle Pattern

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Wed Jan 31 20:41:33 UTC 2018

Dear All,
I'm sorry that I wasn't able to participate in today's telecon, due to a prior commitment. Having not participated, I don't know the final fate of the SPP book. But there is one other item that I came across that I'd like to bring to the WG's attention as something else to consider in the process of cleaning up (or replacing) the SPP book.

The Packet Processing function of the AOS SDLP includes generation of Idle Packets when no packets containing user data are available. The definition of "Idle Packet" is cross-referenced to the SPP book.

The SPP book states "If the Packet is an Idle Packet, the User Data Field shall contain Idle Data", and follows this with the NOTE "The bit pattern of Idle Data is not specified in this Recommendation." The trail goes cold there.

A similar situation exists for the multiplexing schemes for VCs and MCs (that is they are not defined by the SDLP Recommended Standards), but in those cases the multiplexing schemes are identified as Managed Parameters. Given that "Managed Parameters" is another way of saying "stuff that has to be configured that is not defined in the book itself", I suggest that the packet Idle Pattern also be treated as a Managed Parameter.

Best regards,
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