[Sls-slp] Fwd: Re: Fw: SLS schedule for Spring 2008 Meeting

Greg Kazz greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 7 15:43:44 UTC 2008


Attached as a Word file is the SLS area schedule for next week's 
CCSDS Meeting in Crystal City near Washington D.C.

Please note that the Link layer security meeting is on Thursday AM.

safe journey,


>Subject: Re: Fw: SLS schedule for Spring 2008 Meeting
>To: Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int, Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int,
>         greg.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov, Aaron.B.Kiely at jpl.nasa.gov
>Cc: Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr
>X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 6.5.3 September 14, 2004
>From: Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
>Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 09:12:41 +0100
>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on estecmta1/estec/ESA(Release 
>6.5.5FP1 | April 14, 2006) at
>  03/07/2008 09:12:43
>X-Source-IP: esacom95-ext.estec.esa.int []
>X-Source-Sender: Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
>X-JPL-spam-score: 0.00%
>Dear all,
>I hope this time I got it right!
>(See attached file: CCSDS Spring 2008 _SLS schedule rev2.doc)
>Jean-Luc Gerner
>Tel: +31 71 565 4473
>              Gian Paolo
>              Calzolari/esoc/ESA
>                                                                           To
>              06/03/2008 18:49           Jean-Luc Gerner/estec/ESA at ESA
>                                                                           cc
>                                                                      Subject
>                                         Re: Fw: [SLS-CC] Code and
>                                         Synchronization WGs: Daily
>                                         allocation for Spring 2008 Meeting
>                                         (Document link: Jean-Luc Gerner)
>       the Joint with SEA-SEC is Thursday morning and not Wednesday afternoon.
>Gian Paolo
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