[Sls-slp] Fwd: CCSDS Pink Sheets for Proximity-1 (for CRC-32 issues)

Greg Kazz greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Jun 25 18:27:41 UTC 2007


Any comments on Gian-Paolo's remarks below about the 32-bit CRC in 
Proximity-1?  (Regarding the general update to the CRCs in CCSDS documents)



>To: "Greg J. Kazz" <Greg.J.Kazz at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Cc: Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int, Tom Gannett <tomg at aiaa.org>,
>         Gilles Moury <Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr>
>Subject: CCSDS Pink Sheets for Proximity-1 (for CRC-32 issues)
>X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 6.5.5 November 30, 2005
>From: Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
>Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:27:41 +0200
>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on esocmta1/esoc/ESA at 06/21/2007 18:27:42,
>         Serialize complete at 06/21/2007 18:27:42
>X-Source-IP: esacom89-ext.esoc.esa.int []
>X-Source-Sender: Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
>X-JPL-spam-score: 0.00%
>         as you should have seen I have posted in CWE the 3 additional 
> proposed pink sheets.
>Among them also the changes to Proximity 1 - Space Link Protocol 
>(211.2-B-1) where we shall note the following:
>- Tom may need some work to make more readable the drawing with 32 boxes
>- there are some differences between CRC-32 and CRC-16 as e.g.
>         a) initialization is different
>         b) CRC-32 is not part of the frame (while CRC-16 is) despite it 
> is mandatory
>We have decided of not remarking those differences in the blue book
>If 211.2-B-1 points out the difference w.r.t. to the CRC-16 cases (in 
>132.0, 232.0 and 732.0), the reverse should also be done (so 132.0, 232.0 
>and 732.0 would point out the difference w.r.t. the CRC-32 case). That is 
>an argument for putting the remarks in the Green Book.
>In the invitation for comments, I have stated that we will issue a 
>resolution for Agency review in July, but you know that for some books we 
>may need additional pink sheets for other items not related to the CRC.
>I hope this if fine for everybody.
>Gian Paolo

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