[Sls-slp] Re: [Sis-spp] Re: [CESG] Draft Green Book on Space Packet Protocol

Takahiro Yamada tyamada99 at yahoo.co.jp
Fri Aug 22 19:58:07 UTC 2003


> Store and forward functions are inherently stateful,
> even though 
> there is no ack/nack protocol or other signalling
> associated with the 
> provision of tis function.  There is no set of specs
> that describe 
> how any of this is to be done to make the SPP work. 
> These functions 
> are essential to the proper operations of the end to
> end protocol and 
> they must be implemented within the protocol
> entities.  However, the 
> spec is largely silent on this and it is up to the
> reader to 
> interpret, from several pieces of separate
> information, what is 
> really required and how it is intended to operate.
> I believe that we can do this better and perhaps the
> SPP-GB is the 
> best place to do it.  We could, alternatively,
> augment the SPP-RB to 
> describe these functions in more detail, whether
> state machine or 
> some other description of your choosing.  Maybe this
> could go in an 
> Appendix to the SPP-RB, but I believe the document
> would be better 
> for its inclusion.

I basically agree with you, but there can be several
different ways of doing store-and-forward delivery of
Space Packets. Using the SLE Offline Transfer Services is
one of them. I don't think it is practical to include all
of them in the SPP-RB. What I think we should do is to
include explanations on this issue, including pointers to
appropriate documents, in the SPP-GB.

Best regards,
Takahiro Yamada, ISAS.

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