[Sls-sea-dls] CCSDS SDLS WG: May 8-12 meeting minutes

Moury Gilles Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr
Wed Jun 7 16:53:09 UTC 2017

Dear SDLS WG member,

Please find attached for comments the draft minutes of our May meeting in San Antonio. All files including attachments to these minutes have been uploaded to CWE private > meeting material > May 2017 meeting.

Enrico, Massimo, Greg: could you please circulate those minutes to your respective WG for what concerns the following joint sessions we had:

-       RFM/C&S/SDLS joint session on May 8 about physical layer security (§3.1)
-       SLP/SDLS joint session on May 11 about D-GVCID/D-MAPID (§3.3)

Best regards,


Gilles MOURY
CNES Toulouse
CCSDS SDLS WG Co-chairman

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