[Sls-rng] Spring Meeting in Rome - Preliminary Planning

Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int
Fri Feb 24 10:04:31 EST 2006

Here's the plan for our meetings.

Regards, Enrico
----- Forwarded by Enrico Vassallo/esoc/ESA on 24/02/2006 16:03 -----

Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA 
24/02/2006 15:43

"SLS Channel Coding Working Groups" <sls-cc at mailman.ccsds.org>
Jean-Luc Gerner/estec/ESA at ESA, Enrico Vassallo/esoc/ESA at ESA, Pen-Shu Yeh 
<pen-shu.yeh at gsfc.nasa.gov>, Gilles Moury <Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr>, "Greg J. 
Kazz" <Greg.J.Kazz at jpl.nasa.gov>
[SLS-CC] Spring Meeting in Rome - Preliminary Planning

Dear All,
        The CCSDS Spring Meetings are scheduled in Rome as per CCSDS web 
site http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2006Spring/2006Spring.aspx in the 
week from Monday 12 June till Friday 16 June.

        Please find here below a partial preliminary planning of the SLS 
Meetings agreed by SLS-Chairs.
Only the meetings affecting our group are presented here.
The complete schedule will be soon on the CCSDS web site.

        Ranging WG 
        Telecommand Channel Coding WG #
        High Rate Uplink WG
        (#) It may merge into the HRU Meeting.

        Ranging WG 
        Long Erasure Codes BOF

        RF & Modulation BOF
        Coding & Sync WG

        Joint Meeting SLS-CC + SLS-RFM (AM)
        MHOMS HW Demo for Joint SLS-CC + SLS-RFM (PM) *
        (*) The Hardware Demo is planned at Alenia premises in Rome.

        Joint Meeting SLS-CC + SLS-RFM 
        RF & Modulation BOF **
        Long Erasure Codes BOF **
        (**) Following the Joint or in alternative to the Joint as needed.
        High Rate Uplink WG Contingency

        SLS Plenary 

I look forward to seeing you in Rome.

Gian Paolo Calzolari
SLS-CC Chair

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