[Sls-rng] Re: [Moims-nav] Re: [Cesg-all] CCSDS Concept Paper: delta-DOR

David Berry david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Aug 24 20:03:25 EDT 2005


Thank you for your comments.  I have tried to address your questions 
in-line with your message.  Please let me know if I should respond further.


At 08:34 AM 8/23/2005, Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int wrote:
>Navigation WG
>Your paper is very interesting for its technical content and the exhaustive
>review of the technique and issues.
>I am missing however reference to the existing Delta-DOR recommendation CCSDS
>401 (2.5.6B) which is addressing the RF domain, was approved blue in 1997 and
>reviewed in 2002 (with decision for 'no change'). How do you see this
>recommendation fit into your proposal?

The 401 Blue Book is listed as reference [6] in the Concept Paper.  Also, 
on page 6 of the paper, it is stated that reference [6] "already addresses 
a number of these factors and more, so a separate DOR tones specification 
may not be necessary. However, for interoperability, agencies will at least 
need to consider these items in an ICD or memorandum of understanding."  I 
wasn't aware of the 401 document when I started on the Concept Paper, so I 
am thankful that its existence was pointed out to me by one of the people I 
asked to review it prior to submission.  My apologies for not citing the 
specific section reference (the 2.5.6B); I should have been more thorough.

>I believe we should distinguish what is needed to ensure interoperability and
>what is more of the 'information exchange' nature and not prone to
>standardisation. Your concept paper seems to address both.

The only purpose of the Concept Paper was to propose that the CCSDS charter 
Working Group(s) or BOF(s) to address the interoperability issues.  It is 
my expectation that whatever group(s) are chartered to work on the topic 
will address the issue that you suggest, and probably several others.

>What CCSDS needs also to address is the timeline. how much is missing from
>what is already available? when is it needed (what missions?)? Then we will
>be able to decide on how best use our resources; should we wait until current
>work is completed or does it require that we give it high priority and
>redirect current resources, putting other work on hold?

I agree that these are excellent questions.  However, I think that most of 
these questions, as they deal with schedule and resource issues, would best 
be addressed by the CESG, which will charter the working group(s)/BOF(s).

>Best regards
>Jean-Luc Gerner
>Tel: +31 71 565 4473
>                       David 
> Berry 
>                       <david.s.berry at jpl.nasa         To: 
> tom.gannett at btas.com
>                       .gov>                           cc: 
> belinda.arroyo at jpl.nasa.gov, wallace.s.tai at jpl.nasa.gov,
>                       Sent 
> by:                        sls-rng at mailman.ccsds.org, 
> moims-nav at mailman.ccsds.org, erik.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov,
>                       cesg-all-bounces at mailma 
> cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org, Nestor.Peccia at esa.int, 
> leslie.paal at jpl.nasa.gov
>                       n.ccsds.org                     Subject: [Cesg-all] 
> CCSDS Concept Paper:  delta-DOR
>                       11/08/2005 
> 03:01 
>I have attached the CCSDS Concept Paper that I mentioned to you I was
>working on, for posting at
>If there's anything else you need, please let me know.
>David Berry(See attached file: delta-DOR-Concept-Paper.pdf)
>CESG-all mailing list
>CESG-all at mailman.ccsds.org
>Moims-nav mailing list
>Moims-nav at mailman.ccsds.org
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