[Sls-pcom] PCOM status

Jean-luc Gerner jeanluc.gerner at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 24 09:35:26 UTC 2015

Dear PCOM members,
As you may remember, the continuation or freezing of the PCOM activity is under discussion at the CMC. No decision was disclosed so far. We expect more information by the end of February.In case the decision is to carry-on with PCOM, the PCOM meeting will take place Thursday 26 March PM.
Regardless of the final decision, I will issue an update of the PCOM GB early March incorporating all the replies to actions I will have received by then. This new issue of the GB either will be the working document for the March 26 meeting or could be used as reference material if and when PCOM is restarted.
Best regardsJean-Luc
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