[Sls-mhdc] Spring MHDC WG meeting via WebEx

Kiely, Aaron B (US 332B) aaron.b.kiely at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 21 22:56:49 UTC 2020

Dear Working Group,

I hope that you and your families are all safe and healthy. Like many of you, I'm getting used to a new work environment and a new set of office-mates.

If you’re like me, then the cancellation of the in-person CCSDS Spring meeting may have diminished your usual urge to engage in a flurry of MHDC work in the couple of weeks leading up to the meeting ;)

In the hope of rekindling some of this activity and making some more progress on our action items, I propose that we meet via WebEx.

I expect that time zone differences and working environment issues will make long meetings impractical, so I propose that we schedule some shorter meetings (1-2 hours) between May 4-22. For a particular topic, it might be useful to schedule one meeting during the week of May 4-8, and a second meeting several days later so that some follow-up work can be done in between.

Reviewing the action item list from our previous meeting, here is a candidate set of meeting topics, meeting leaders, and relevant action items:

A. CCSDS-121B (ESA/Camarero, Santos)
- Resolve RIDs on pink sheets (MHDC-A-1910-1)
- Cross-verification Yellow Book (1910-2)
- Green Book 120.0-G-3 (1910-3)

B. CCSDS-120.2-G-2 (GB for CCSDS-123.0-B-2) (JPL)

C. CCSDS-124.0-B (Telemetry Housekeeping Compression) (ESA/Evans)
(1910-10, -11, -12)

D. CCSDS-120.1-G-2 (GB for Image Data Compression -- reconfirmation review) (JPL)
(1910-13) (Potentially a short topic, perhaps combine with another topic)

E. CCSDS-125.0B  (Raw SAR compression) (ESA/Camarero, Santos)
(1910-7, -8)

F. SAR (zPHD) compression (Lipkin/Ryland)
(1910-4, -5, -6)

I’ll suggest that starting a meeting at 14:00 GMT is a time that should minimize the distribution of pain, but I am open to alternatives. (I believe this works out to 7AM for California, 10AM for Maryland/Ohio, 15:00 for England, 16:00 for France, Spain, Netherlands.)

Please let me know if there is a topic to be added, and let me know of any days during the week of May 4-8 when you would not be available for a WebEx from 14:00-16:00 GMT. My hope is to use a Google form or doodle poll early next week to schedule initial meetings.

In the meantime, I encourage everyone to review the action items from the last meeting!


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