[Sls-mhdc] Fall 2017 Draft Meeting Summary (San Antonio)

Kiely, Aaron B (332B) aaron.b.kiely at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 16 20:38:26 UTC 2017

Dear Working Group,

I have uploaded to the CWE a draft meeting summary for your review:
	CWE Private / Meeting Materials / 2017-May / MHDC-MeetingSummary_2017May-v1.docx

Please review and suggest revisions. (Please use track changes, colored text, or some other means of calling attention to your changes to make it easier for me to integrate input from multiple authors.)

I’d like to send out a final version in a week, so I hope that you can respond with suggested changes by Monday May 22 or let me know that you need more time.

Thank you all for an extremely productive meeting.

Best Regards,

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