[SLS-DC] CCSDS DCWG SAR Data Compression AUX Meeting

Wong, Englin (GSFC-5670) mark.wong at nasa.gov
Tue Dec 19 14:14:49 UTC 2023

I've moved the time 2 hrs earlier.
Please let me know if the proposed date or time doesn't work for you.

  *   02/26/2024 -
9:00 AM  MD, USA
  6:00 AM  CA, USA
  3:00 PM  Europe


Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to setup a time for the SAR DATA Compression Meeting taking place next year.
The main issue we are trying to address:

"What is the maximum reasonable number for setting the SAR mode count to store threshold information for the compressor?"

"How can we make the standards more generic in their construction?"

"How can we include information for the proper selection of thresholds based on the SAR instrument?"
Reference materials can be found at the following:

/SLS-DC/CWE Private/ Meeting Materials/2023_May/SAR-FDBAQ / CCSDS_FDBAQReviewFeedback_2323.ppt

/SLS-DC/CWE Private/ 125.0-B / ReferenceWork /

/SLS-DC/CWE Private/ 125.0-B / 20230701_sar_scope_diagram_uab.pdf


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