[SLS-OCM] Fw: CCSDS OCM BOF Meeting - Input Papers by 14 Oct

Jean-luc Gerner jeanluc.gerner at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 14 06:23:02 EDT 2013


On Saturday, October 12, 2013 10:37 AM, Jean-luc Gerner <jeanluc.gerner at yahoo.com> wrote:
For your information

On Saturday, October 12, 2013 10:34 AM, Jean-luc Gerner <jeanluc.gerner at yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear participants to the OCM BOF meeting,
Please make sure that your input papers are delivered to me no later than 14 October EOB. By 15 October, all  material will be available to all on the CWE.
I look forward to you reviewing these documents prior to the meeting so that the work can proceed swiftly.

The task of the OCM BOF at the San Antonio meeting will be to elaborate concept paper, charter and projects for the OCM WG due to start its work by Spring 2014.

Best regards
Jean-Luc Gerner
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