[Sls-ocm] Agenda update + some info

Nicolas.Perlot at dlr.de Nicolas.Perlot at dlr.de
Wed Apr 4 06:39:35 EDT 2012

Dear OCM group,

*         An updated agenda is given below and will also be uploaded here<http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2012Spring/2012SpringAgendas.aspx>.
*         The list of publications related to link budgets is here<http://cwe.ccsds.org/sls/docs/SLS-OCM/Draft%20Documents/LinkBudget/>. Please send me the references you want to add to the list. I already received inputs from Tesat and DLR-RD.
*         For speakers: if your presentation file can be distributed, please send it to me, I will upload it at cwe.ccsds.org/sls/docs/SLS-OCM/Meeting%20Materials/2012_04_Darmstadt/Presentations/<http://cwe.ccsds.org/sls/docs/SLS-OCM/Meeting%20Materials/2012_04_Darmstadt/Presentations/>
*         For drivers: If you drive to Darmstadtium, there are parking fees.  People arriving by car will collect their ticket from the machine when entering the car park. Max ceiling/day is 15 Euro.




CCSDS Spring-2012
Darmstadt, Germany


Location: Darmstadtium Conference Centre
Date: 2012, April 16-17th (Monday-Tuesday)

CCSDS Meeting (April 16th, Monday)
Room 3.08
10:00   Approval of agenda
Review of previous action items, review of concept book updates
10:30   Coffee break
10:50   Review of OLSG (Optical Link Study Group) intermediate report for IOAG
12:30   Lunch
13:30   How would optics fit in CCSDS Stack? (G.-P- Calzolari, SLS director)
Which layers are affected by long-fade coding? (T. de Cola, DLR)
15:30   Coffee Break
15:50   Discussion on link budget conventions
*        Previous works (FOCAS, CCSDS Design Control Table)
*        When can we assume an AWGN channel?
*        How to define Scintillation loss and Coding gain?
Does OCM depend on wavelength?
AOB, next steps
Review of minutes
18:00   End of meeting

Workshop (April 17th, Tuesday)
Room 3.02
8:45     Near-Earth missions
*        OSIRIS (DLR-IKN, C. Fuchs)
*        Terminal developments at RUAG (F. Arnold)
*        SOTA terminal (NICT, Y. Takayama)
10:30   Coffee break
10:50   GEO relay missions
*        EDRS terminals (TESAT Spacecom, R. Lange)
*        Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (NASA-GSFC, B. L. Edwards)
*        Capacity of optical DPSK relay link (NASA-JPL, F. Pollara)
12:30   Lunch
13:30   Deep-space missions
*        Laser Lunar Communications Demonstration (MIT-LL, A. Fletcher)
*        Status of JPL lasercom work (NASA-JPL, H. Hemmati)
15:30   Coffee Break
15:50   Open to suggestions
Discussion on cross-support opportunities
18:00 End of meeting

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