[Sls-com] CCSDS Spring 2010, date and location

Nicolas Perlot nicolas.perlot at dlr.de
Mon Jan 18 11:12:34 EST 2010

Dear Lasercom people,

Please note that the next CCSDS technical meeting will take place on 3-7 
May 2010 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
CCSDS Web site details: http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/DispForm.aspx?ID=81

Closest Airport: Norfolk International Airport
At http://www.norfolkairport.com/ , under Flight Information you can 
find a route map and a printable Flight Guide.
Both can be downloaded as pdf files. Here are the January links, but you 
better look for updates
- http://www.norfolkairport.com/flightinfo/routeMap_January2010.pdf
- http://www.norfolkairport.com/flightinfo/flightGuide_January2010.pdf

Nicolas Perlot

Nicolas Perlot, Ph.D.

German Aerospace Center (DLR)		phone: ++49/8153/281836
Institute of Communication		fax:   ++49/8153/282844
and Navigation				email: nicolas.perlot at dlr.de
Oberpfaffenhofen, P.O. Box 11 16	http://www.dlr.de/kn/institut 
82234 Wessling, Germany                       

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