[SLS-CC] S-Band proximity-1 - CCSDS progress meeting (RFM/CS/SLP)

Andrea Modenini Andrea.Modenini at esa.int
Thu May 30 07:26:58 UTC 2024

Intermediate progress meeting of RFM/CS/SLP WGs for S-Band proximity-1

For the meeting organization, I propose a simplified version that I hope will better work for the teleconference:

  *   We review the list of AIs reported below, giving (on average) 15 mins per AI
  *   For each item, the actionee can either:
     *   Provide a full input (as in normal meetings), or
     *   Give the status of the AI (even verbally is fine), for discussing possible open points, doing brainstorming, or simply give a planning for the AI closure
  *   Inputs shall not be announced and provided in advance, unless you want the WG to take a look beforehand
  *   Just in case you believe your AI discussion should take more than 15 mins, please let me know a couple of days before, for adapting the planning

ESA to check with LPF if possible to provide block diagram information of heterodyning of RF chain and oscillators specs for transmitter and receiver.

Given this information, NASA to reiterate analysis for total phase.

W. Lee
N. Maturo
July 2024
(intermediate C&S Meeting)
To check the need of having an EVM requirement in the Proximity-1 211.1-B, or if this can be considered a specification at unit level
July 2024 (intermediate C&S meeting)
To draft CWE project for an update of 414.0-B (PN ranging), with the objective of adding space-to-space and one-way ranging
D. Lee
July 2024
(intermediate C&S Meeting)
To check rationale in LNIS for having modulation index range 0.2-1.4, since 0.2 and 1.4 appears not practicable cases
S. Rodriguez
May 2024
(before intermediate C&S meeting)
To provide an updated list of modulation index (in deg) to be supported, taking into account that LPF uses pi/3, and (possibly) input by LNIS (see AI_24_06)

N. Maturo
July 2024
(intermediate C&S Meeting)
To provide a proposal for fixed or floating point definition of the channel frequency in S-Band proximity-1
N. Maturo
A. Modenini
July 2024
(intermediate C&S Meeting)
WG to check with vendors if hailing channel is 1 ksps (coded symbol rate) as agreed in Huntsville 2023
July 2024
(intermediate C&S Meeting)
To assess possible incompatibilities of the current S-Band directives for a possible extension to Ka-Band
M. Cosby
July 2024
(intermediated C&S meeting)

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