[Sle-imp] transmitting data in complete online

Boxell, Jeff Jeff.Boxell@csoconline.com
Thu, 8 May 2003 16:13:13 -0500

According to RAF Spec "While the RAF service provider is in state 3 ('active') and the
transfer buffer is not full, the provider shall remove
RafTransferDataInvocation and RafSyncNotifyInvocation records from the
online frame buffer and insert them, in the same sequence, into the transfer

Our interpretation of this requirement is that once you transmit data in
Complete online mode to the User, the data should no longer be available for
transmission.  Could someone clarify the intent of the Spec here?

Note that the RAF Offline Spec uses the verb "extract" (versus
"remove") in its corresponding specification: "When an RAF-START operation is invoked in the context of an
offline delivery mode RAF service instance, the RAF service provider shall
extract RafTransferData-Invokation records from the offline frame buffer

This seems to support our interpretation.