[SIS] Resolution to publish for Agency Review SIS-MIA-R-2020-05-001

Burleigh, Scott C (US 312B) scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu May 21 00:07:47 UTC 2020

Hi, Tom.  We believe the Pink Sheets for the updated Digital Motion Imagery book are ready to go to Agency review.  The document is attached; resolution follows.

The Space Internetworking Services Area,

CONSIDERING that the SIS Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group has completed work on a proposed update to CCSDS 766.1-B-2, Digital Motion Imagery (Blue Book, Issue 2, August 2016),

RESOLVES to request that CESG and CMC release CSCSD 766.1-B-3 “Digital Motion Imagery” Issue 3 for CCSDS Agency review,
RECOMMENDS that the CESG and CMC approve this resolution and, finally
REQUESTS that CESG and CMC polls be conducted to accomplish this.

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