[SIS] Resolution for Publication SIS-CFDP-G-2020-07-002

Burleigh, Scott C (US 312B) scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Sat Jul 4 01:34:58 UTC 2020

Tom, here is the resolution to publish Part 2 of the CFDP Green Book:

The Space Internetworking Services Area,

CONSIDERING that the CFDP Revisions Working Group has revised CCSDS 720.2-G-3, “CCSDS FILE DELIVERY PROTOCOL (CFDP)— PART 2: IMPLEMENTERS GUIDE” to align with CCSDS 727.0-B-4, the revised “CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)” Blue Book,

AND RECOGNIZING that the Working Group has reached consensus on the release of this revised Green Book,

RESOLVES to request that CESG and CMC approve publication of CCSDS 720.2-G-4 “CCSDS FILE DELIVERY PROTOCOL (CFDP)— PART 2: IMPLEMENTERS GUIDE”,
RECOMMENDS that the CESG and CMC approve this resolution and, finally
REQUESTS that CESG and CMC polls be conducted to accomplish this.

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