[SIS-Voice] FW: [Sis-mia] New Green Book kick-off

sis-voice at mailman.ccsds.org sis-voice at mailman.ccsds.org
Fri Jan 15 20:32:32 UTC 2016


The SIS Motion Imagery Applications WG has long been interested in streaming over Bundle Protocol, and I believe we will have support for them to develop a Green Book on Requirements for Streaming over BP and documenting how people have experimented in implementing streaming over BP.

Rodney Grubbs chairs the SIS-MIA WG and will be reaching out for contributions from people who’ve done some testing streaming over BP.

Once I can get formal approval from the CMC there should be an announcement in the CCSDS Blog, but until then please let this serve as an unofficial notification.


— Also spammed the voice wg for good measure  :)

From: <sis-mia-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sis-mia-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>> on behalf of "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-EO50)" <rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>>
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 12:17 PM
To: "sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org>" <sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: [Sis-mia] New Green Book kick-off

In anticipation of formal approval for our Working Group’s new project, I wanted to let you know my plan leading up to our meetings in Cleveland in early April.  The proposed project is a Green Book to: document requirements for streaming over bundle protocol, document testing to date, and possibly generate a common test setup to compare different approaches to streaming and document results.  You can see more details here, http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/Lists/Projects/DispFormDraft.aspx?ID=584&Source=http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/Lists/Projects/AllOpenChartersWithDraftProjects.aspx

By early February I hope to have an outline of the book.  I will then seek contributors for specific sections.  I know there has been some testing by JPL and DLR related to video streaming over bundle protocol.  We will rely heavily on contributions from both JPL and DLR, but will need everyone’s help with requirements and likely other sections of the book.  My hope is that by early April, in time for the Cleveland meetings, we will have a good first draft book to review.

I will try to coordinate our meetings so they do not overlap with DTN, since I suspect we’ll have several DTN WG members interested in this project.

Keith, could you please forward to your mail-list and encourage any DTN WG members interested in this project to subscribe to the SIS-MIA?

Rodney Grubbs
NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv

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