[SIS-Voice] Change in SIS Area Director

SIS-Voice Working Group sis-voice at mailman.ccsds.org
Tue Dec 13 15:50:11 UTC 2016

Greetings all,

NASA will be switching their support for the SIS Area Director position, and I’ll be stepping down.  The CESG informally recommended Scott Burleigh of JPL to replace me, and I believe that the decision is now out for polling by the CMC.  Assuming the poll is successful, I think the AD position will transition when it is complete.  I’ll stay on as DTN WG chair.

As you all know, Scott has a long history in CCSDS, has supported numerous SIS efforts, and I fully expect him to be an excellent SIS Area Director.

For my part, I would like to thank you all for your work on behalf of CCSDS and for helping me shepherd SIS through some very interesting and exciting times.  We’ve taken the first steps to realizing a Solar System Internetwork, and achieved a foothold in space with the deployment of BP onto ISS and its integration into TReK.  With the IETF work we have the possibility of benefiting from commercialization on a terrestrial scale.  If that is successful, we will also have successfully transitioned what could have been a space-only niche technology to be an enabling capability for a myriad of networks on the ground, including the burgeoning IOT realm.  The Voice and Video books already leverage commercial specifications, and will ensure efficient interoperability of those services as human space exploration moves forward.  The CFDP revisions, once approved, provide (IMHO) significant capability advancements of the file transfer protocol into the networked era.

All of this is thanks to your work, both technical and ‘political’.  As you know, CCSDS specifications are not easy, between having to reach consensus, address the agencies’ and reviewers’ concerns, and securing the resources for both specification and prototype development.  You’ve made amazing progress and significant contributions to CCSDS, and it has been my pleasure and honor to support your work as SIS AD.



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