Durst, Robert C. durst at mitre.org
Mon Sep 26 14:00:02 EDT 2005


The various Area Directors have been tasked with the action listed
below.  With respect to the criteria solicited below, please provide
your suggestions.  I suspect that these criteria may affect resourcing
decisions made by the supporting agencies, so I'd like to ensure that
SIS has a good set.  Please also identify all of your works in progress
or in plan, along with "book color" and expected completion date (into,
not out of, final ballot).  My guess would be to assume 4 weeks from
the time you submit a resolution to ballot a document to the time that
the results of that ballot are available.  Final editing will take
longer, and I don't propose that we guess at that...



CESG-F05-A003:    1) Draft a set of criteria from which your WG
priorities can be judged and 2) Perform your own ranking of your WG
tasks in terms of priorities. Circulate the results to CESG for
discussion and synthesis of an overall set of priorities prior to the
CMC. Identify "book colors" of each ranked item.

Assigned to: Area Directors

Due: 07 October 2005

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