[Sis-dtn] [EXT] Re: CESG-P-2025-01-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 734.20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1)
Robert C Durst
durst at mitre.org
Tue Jan 28 17:11:09 UTC 2025
Understood, thanks!
From: Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de <Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 12:08 PM
To: Robert C Durst <durst at mitre.org>; sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org; jonathan.w.jackson at nasa.gov; simon.singh at nasa.gov
Subject: RE: [EXT] Re: CESG-P-2025-01-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 734.20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1)
Hi Bob, Concerning the conditions raised by Ignacio, yes they must be fulfilled otherwise the CESG poll won’t be successful and the publication process will be blocked. I think the points he raised are mostly coming from the fact he is not a
Hi Bob,
Concerning the conditions raised by Ignacio, yes they must be fulfilled otherwise the CESG poll won’t be successful and the publication process will be blocked. I think the points he raised are mostly coming from the fact he is not a DTNer and some terminology is not familiar with him. Nevertheless, we must iterate with him to clarify all these points. Then, whether or not all these points must be reflected into some changes in the document this is something we could discuss and agree with him. I’ve the impression some points are already more or less addressed in RFC 9171, of which CCSDS BPv7 is a profile and as such we are not sometimes repeating the concepts…
Then I’d say the points raised by Erik and Simon (which are not conditions for the poll closure) should be taken into account for the blue book.
From: Robert C Durst <durst at mitre.org <mailto:durst at mitre.org> >
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Januar 2025 17:56
To: sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org <mailto:sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org> ; Jackson, Jonathan W. (MSFC-HP27)[MOSSI2] <jonathan.w.jackson at nasa.gov <mailto:jonathan.w.jackson at nasa.gov> >; de Cola, Tomaso <Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de <mailto:Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de> >; Singh, Somendra {Simon} (GSFC-5820) <simon.singh at nasa.gov <mailto:simon.singh at nasa.gov> >
Subject: FW: [EXT] Re: CESG-P-2025-01-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 734.20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1)
Importance: High
Sigh. See highlighted text below. Jonathan, can you help? Tomaso, are these kinds of conditions even relevant for an Orange Book? Certainly we should address in the Blue book, but…
Simon, I don’t think that I received any attachment (per your comment below).
From: CCSDS Secretariat <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net <mailto:thomas.gannett at tgannett.net> >
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 11:51 AM
To: Robert C Durst <durst at mitre.org <mailto:durst at mitre.org> >
Cc: Ignacio.Aguilar.Sanchez at esa.int <mailto:Ignacio.Aguilar.Sanchez at esa.int>
Subject: [EXT] Re: CESG-P-2025-01-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 734.20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1)
Dear Document Rapporteur, The CESG poll to approve publication of CCSDS 734. 20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1) concluded with conditions. Please negotiate disposition of the conditions directly with
Dear Document Rapporteur,
The CESG poll to approve publication of CCSDS 734.20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1) concluded with conditions. Please negotiate disposition of the conditions directly with the AD(s) who voted to approve with conditions and CC the Secretariat on all related correspondence.
CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2025-01-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 734.20-O-1, CCSDS Bundle Protocol Version 7 Specification (Orange Book, Issue 1)
Results of CESG poll beginning 6 January 2025 and ending 27 January 2025:
Abstain: 0 (0%)
Approve Unconditionally: 3 (75%) (Barkley, Cola, Singh)
Approve with Conditions: 1 (25%) (Aguilar Sanchez)
Disapprove with Comment: 0 (0%)
Erik Barkley (Approve Unconditionally): Let me emphasize this is not a condition. I will note that CESG may wish to discuss how to properly track the addtion of "orange" extenstions into "blue" registries -- the organge book here indicates new fields for the SANA SS&A registry. That's fine, but as an "experimental" recommendation, is the new information also considered "experimental"? (Note that there has never been a CCSDS data management policy developed, and I think this is another example of why a data management policy is needed).
Ignacio Aguilar Sanchez (Approve with Conditions): Condition 1. On subsection 2.2, second paragraph it is mentioned that a bundle endpoint can have zero bundle nodes. Can you explain why and eventually document the answer in an approprite place of the document?
Condition 2. On the same paragraph referred to above, the notion of 'anonymous' bundles is mentioned. Can you explain why such bundles are needed and what is their purpose? Again please document the answer in an appropriate place of the document.
Condition 3. On subsection 2.4, the services not supported by this specification are stated. The paragraph underneath points to reliable CLAs and/or application-level reliability mechanism to improve reliability. Does reliability imply the provision of services a), b) and c) mentioned above? Please confirm.
Condition 4. Sentence in clause 3.2.2 is not understood. Is the purpose to deny only or to support only bundles with dtn:none? Depending on the answer there might be a typo on the verb used in the sentence or perhaps a rephrase may be needed. Note that I am not a native English speaker.
Simon Singh (Approve Unconditionally): This is being published to meet the requrements of LunaNet community. However, it does requre some corrections. My understanding is that these corrections can be provided as Errata Sheets and that LunaNet community has agreed to it. Alternative would be to correct the document before publishing it. SIS can decide the best way forward.
This is revision of my earlier vote, although the approval rating has not changed.
This is being published to meet the requrements of LunaNet community. However, it does requre some corrections, provided as comments in the attached document. LunaNet community has been provided with a draft copy of the document, i.e. the version which is the subject of this poll. Recommendation is that attached comments should be addressed in the publication of the Orange Book.
Total Respondents: 4
No response was received from the following Area(s):
PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll after conditions have been addressed
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