[Sis-dtn] WG: Delay Tolerant Networking Performance article on APNIC Blog

Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de
Tue Mar 26 08:53:55 UTC 2024

Von: dtn <dtn-bounces at ietf.org> Im Auftrag von Templin (US), Fred L
Gesendet: Montag, 25. März 2024 15:26
An: dtn at ietf.org
Cc: Dudukovich, Rachel M. (GRC-LCI0) <rachel.m.dudukovich at nasa.gov>; sburleig.sb at gmail.com; Pohlchuck (US), William A <william.a.pohlchuck at boeing.com>; Tom Herbert <tom at herbertland.com>; Sai Prakash, Bhargava Raman <bhargavaraman.saiprakash at boeing.com>; Raible, Daniel E. (GRC-LCP0) <daniel.e.raible at nasa.gov>; Tomko, Brian J. (GRC-LSX0) <brian.j.tomko at nasa.gov>
Betreff: [dtn] Delay Tolerant Networking Performance article on APNIC Blog

Hello, a new article has been posted to the APNIC Blog on "Delay Tolerant Networking Performance":


The article specifically addresses performance aspects of the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP)
based on two popular DTN implementations with complimentary use cases. The article highlights
the performance increases observed for using larger LTP segment sizes even when lower layer
fragmentation is necessary to accommodate the larger sizes. The article finally includes a new
service for signaling lower-layer QoS parameters for networks that support DTN overlays.

Please review and comment,

Fred Templin
fred.l.templin at boeing.com<mailto:fred.l.templin at boeing.com>
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