[Sis-dtn] FW: [EXT] [Deepspace] Deepspace IP meeting agenda

Robert C Durst durst at mitre.org
Mon Mar 18 12:39:14 UTC 2024

FYSA.  It would be good if folks with operational perspective could join this discussion.  (Wednesday, 6-7pm EDT, 3-4pm PDT (hint, hint).)



From: Deepspace <deepspace-bounces@ ietf. org> on behalf of: Marc Blanchet

Could you forward to relevant CCSDS lists?


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From: Deepspace <deepspace-bounces at ietf.org<mailto:deepspace-bounces at ietf.org>> on behalf of: Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca<mailto:marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca>>

Date: Sunday, Mar 17, 2024 at 10:09 AM

To: deepspace at ietf.org<mailto:deepspace at ietf.org> <deepspace at ietf.org<mailto:deepspace at ietf.org>>

Subject: [EXT] [Deepspace] Deepspace IP meeting agenda

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 Proposed agenda for this week meeting:

- Update on the testbed, subtitle: Sending an HTTP request to Voyager

- COAP for deep space

- Congestion control discussion


- Local time (Eastern Australia): 8h00-9h00 am Thursday March 21

- Europe: 23h00-00h00 Wednesday March 20

- Eastern North America: 18h00-19h00 Wednesday March 20

- Pacific North America: 15h00-16h00 Wednesday March 20


- Local: room M9 Brisbane Convention Center

- Remote: https://ietf.webex.com/meet/sidemeetingietf1

Hopefully this time, Webex will be working better. Currently, there is no other meeting before ours, so I will be able to arrive early and making sure everything works fine.

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