[Sis-dtn] SIS-DTN meeting requirements for Spring CCSDS meetings

Robert C Durst durst at mitre.org
Fri Mar 1 12:48:46 UTC 2024



Here are the meeting room needs for SIS-DTN for the Spring CCSDS meetings:


We intend to meet Tuesday through Friday, from whatever the most reasonable
starting time is (8:45 am?) until end of day (5:30 pm?).


We need to have two meetings with other working groups:  

*	CSS Area with SIS-DTN WG:  preferably the latter half of Wednesday
morning, May 1st
*	SEA-Security WG with SIS-DTN WG:  Preferably Thursday afternoon, May


We will need Videoconferencing support in our meeting room each day, as some
of our participants will be unable to travel to the meetings.


I expect that our in-person attendance will be consistent with that of
previous meetings.


Many thanks,



Robert C. Durst


Chief Engineer, Infrastructure and Networking Innovation Center

The MITRE Corporation

O: 703-983-7535

C: 703-217-7414

E:  <mailto:durst at mitre.org> durst at mitre.org



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