[Sis-dtn] STINT Workshop 2023: CFP

Birrane, Edward J. Edward.Birrane at jhuapl.edu
Tue May 30 15:06:53 UTC 2023


  I know many on this list are familiar with the STINT workshop (held in conjunction with WISEE). We have run them since 2014 as a way to have a mostly DTN-focused avenue for presentations, publications, and demonstrations. 

  The next workshop will be help on September 6-8 in Aveiro, Portugal and the call for papers deadline has been extended to June 10th.  

  I know there is a significant amount of work coming out of SIS-DTN and hope that we would be able to see some short-paper submissions (~6 pages) to help communicate our work.

  The conference website can be found at: https://2023.ieee-wisee.org/ (this is also to be used for paper submissions).

  The STINT workshop website is at: https://stintworkshops.org/


Edward J. Birrane, III, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Chief Engineer, Space Constellation Networking
Supervisor, Embedded Applications Group
Space Exploration Sector
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
(W) 443-778-7423 / (F) 443-228-3839

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