[Sis-dtn] LTPv2 Draft Blue Book for Review

구철회 chkoo at kari.re.kr
Mon May 15 07:10:14 UTC 2023

Hi, Jeremy & Felix.

I am reading the draft of LTPv2.
I have found some typos and wrong numbering. Please find the attached document commented by me until Section 5.
And I put some thoughts from me.
Hope this be useful for finalizing the draft document.



Message: 1
Date: Tue, 9 May 2023 21:47:52 +0000
From: <Jeremy.Mayer at dlr.de>
To: <sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org>
Cc: <Felix.Flentge at esa.int>, <ccorsten at gmv.com>
Subject: [Sis-dtn] LTPv2 Draft Blue Book for Review
Message-ID: <ce39808e8d454bc6a1b9492a9c3601d6 at dlr.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi everyone,
In order to provide a baseline for tomorrows discussion of the proposed LTPv2 protocol, I've attached the draft blue book for the standard. After showcasing the proposed approach and rational, we're intending to go through the document, focusing on the underlying protocol.

Jeremy & Felix
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