[Sis-dtn] Recordings from Spring CCSDS DTN WG meetings in Huntsville

Robert C Durst durst at mitre.org
Thu Jul 6 17:56:44 UTC 2023



I have finally uploaded the recordings from the Spring meetings to the CWE
site.  They are here: (Meeting recordings - All Documents (ccsds.org)
B679CC4EC%2D20EF%2D4AB6%2D9FF7%2DD851E088D6B8%7D> ).  The files are mp4
format, labeled with a timestamp that indicates the start time of the video
which includes yyyymmdd_hhmmss.  Note:  "hh" is in *EDT* as opposed to *CDT*
or UTC.  So, to correlate with the CDT time in the agenda, subtract an hour
from the timestamp.



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