[Sis-dtn] IPN Node Number Assignment

Felix Flentge Felix.Flentge at esa.int
Thu Jan 19 07:36:38 UTC 2023


I would like to discuss today or soon assignment of CBHE node numbers. As we get more and more (semi-)operational deployment, I think we all should make an effort to use assigned numbers (and not just numbers < 100 for convenience).

According to Bundle Protocol (iana.org)<https://www.iana.org/assignments/bundle/bundle.xhtml#cbhe-node-numbers> SANA is managing the range 16384-2097151.

In the (valuable) 2 byte range we have in SANA currently only one allocation:

32768 - 33791

NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center []<https://sanaregistry.org/r/organizations/records/53>

As we are deploying more nodes operationally, I would like to discuss the allocation of these 2 bytes node numbers (I understand it may be a SANA thing but I would prefer to have some consensus in the DTN WG first before grabbing some numbers.

I could imagine to assign the lower allocation (16384 - 32767) for private use (ie non-interoperable mission use; bundles using these numbers shall never cross the border between networks under different operational authority).

For the higher 2-byte range, I would propose handing out blocks of 1024 numbers (like for MSFC) to CCSDS member agencies. 1024 numbers may seem a lot but it would allow to have some internal logic for assignment (e.g., a block for Earth-bound nodes; obviously such information shall not be used for routing)

Some questions:

  *   Could an Agency request more than one block? Maybe only if well justified, e.g. if the other allocation is used up.
  *   Should we have rules that at least some numbers in an allocation have to be used, otherwise the allocation will be freed up again (like frequencies)?
  *   What about commercial entities that would like to deploy nodes?


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