[Sis-dtn] Telecon Notes

Dr. Keith L Scott kscott at mitre.org
Thu Jan 5 16:17:58 UTC 2023


BPv7 and BPsec probably nearly done

• Need SANA prototyping of mods to SS&A registry to support ipn node numbers

(DTN) Network security architecture

• Draft project in CWE Framework

Network Management - Ed

• AMA update coming ~ March

IETF meetings are end of March

Review new AMA and start discussion of protocol at Spring CCSDS meetings?


Keith will get out versions of the BPv7 and BPSec

Keith will check w/ SANA about prototyping changes to SS&A registry

Keith will get Howie to look at the Security Architecture Draft Project

Folks to provide inputs to BPsec Green Book so we can build a framework for discussion w/ SEA-SEC

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