[Sis-dtn] SIS-DTN Spring Meetings Telecons

Scott, Keith L. kscott at mitre.org
Thu Apr 23 15:27:04 UTC 2020

Version 1 -- 20200423

[Wednesday] Network Management

  *   Final WG review of draft Network Management Green Book.  We need to push this out and move on with Blue Book Development.  We walked through this at the last two meetings.

[Wednesday] SBSP Security Protocol:

  *   SBSP document has (just) been provided to SEA-SEC WG (Daniel Fischer and/or Craig Biggerstaff) for their editing.
  *   So now we should have finality to finalize implementations.

[Thursday] Proposed new efforts (I suppose these are technically BoFs):

  *   LTP Revisions
     *   What changes  in light of advances and experience since initial publication (e.g. consider removing security in favor of SDLS, consider removing Green (unreliable data), …
     *   Who has resources to support?
        *   Book development
        *   Implementations
  *   BPv7 Adoption
     *   When can we start this?  Is the IETF ‘done enough’?  (I *think* so)
     *   What ‘CCSDS Extras’ to include (e.g. BIBE, DTCN, …) – there will be some work to profile the IETF BPv7 spec to CCSDS
     *   Who has resources to support?
        *   Book development
        *   Implementations
  *   Are those the right next things to work on?  We also have on the radar:
     *   Emergency Telecommand / Telemetry (first-hop / last-hop) (standardized BP application?)
     *   BP Advanced Routing (regions, multicast)
     *   BP Neighbor Discovery
     *   BP Green Book Update
     *   SSI Architecture Update

[Friday] Implementation / Deployment Experience (DTN Interoperability)

  *   Presentation by Carlo Caini on a stand-alone SABR implementation.

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