[Sis-dtn] RE: Call for Draft Projects in the CWE

Burleigh, Scott C (312B) scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Jun 24 19:41:51 UTC 2015

Keith, I think I will be able to wrap up the Green Book Updates myself.  I need to scale back on DTN work anyway for rest of FY15, due to budget pressure, so I'll have more time for CCSDS.  No additional CFDPv1 projects are on the horizon.


From: Scott, Keith L. [mailto:kscott at mitre.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 7:52 AM
To: Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de; Rodney Grubbs (rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov); Osvaldo Peinado (osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de); Burleigh, Scott C (312B)
Cc: 'sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org'; sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org; sis-voice at mailman.ccsds.org; sis-cfdp at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: Call for Draft Projects in the CWE


Nestor has put out the call to insert DRAFT projects into the CCSDS framework.  This is a new capability designed to segregate out current work from planned future work while still allowing the planned work to show up for, well, planning purposes.

We (SIS) had, at the time of the last scrub of the framework, the following items that were planned but not being executed on, and I have added 1-3 as DRAFT projects with a question to Tomaso as to whether the last is still needed in light of the Erasure Coding Book supporting Encapsulation beneath LTP.

Does anyone have other projects to add?

*        Rodney / MIA

o   MIA update for Motion JPEG2000, 4k Video?

*        Osvaldo / VOICE

o   Green Book Updates?  (last published September 2010)

*        Scott / CFDPv1

o   Given Dai's departure, can you make all the required Green Book Updates or should we push those to the right?

Please take a look at your WG programs and let me know what you think are the needed upcoming work items, including:

*        Title

*        Brief Description

*        Rough target start/completion dates

[From Nestor's Email]:
SIS Area        Actionee: Keith Scott / Tomaso De Cola
*         CWE Doc. 734.n Bundle Protocol Network Management (Blue Book)
*         CWE Doc. TBD SSI Streaming Service (Blue Book)
*         CWE Doc. 734.n Framework for SSI Cross-Support and Administration (Green Book describing SSI coordinating function)
*         CWE Doc. TBD Erasure Coding for LTP (Blue Book)

From: Burleigh, Scott C (312B) [mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 10:09 AM
To: Scott, Keith L.
Subject: FW: [Cesg-all] Insertion of Draft Projects in the CWE

Keith, let me know if there's anything here that you can use a hand with.


From: cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> [mailto:cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Nestor.Peccia at esa.int<mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 6:51 AM
To: cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org>
Cc: Brian Oliver; cmc at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [Cesg-all] Insertion of Draft Projects in the CWE


Dear all (WG Chairs / WG Deputy Chairs / ADs / DADs

It is time now to start Step 2 of the CWE Project update. Please update the CWE Draft Projects (only inserting the fields indicated below under Step 2) at the latest by end June 2015.

The final goal is to have a report capability in the CWE displaying for every WG or Area the published, at work and future Projects (in the next 3 to 5-8 years). i.e. an Area or WG roadmap covering short-, medium- and long term

If WGs Chairs / Deputy Chairs / ADs / DADs do not insert draft Projetcs by end June 2015, the CESG Chair will ask the CMC for authorisation to do it himself

Step 2
WGs Chairs will include the future Projects addressed in the Strategy Plan. A WG chair creates a draft project by only inserting

  *   the title,
  *   description,
  *   Planned Project Start Date
  *   CMC Approval
All remaining completion dates should be left empty. WG Chair shall only save the Project as Draft.

The list of Draft Projects included in the strategic Plan and "to be inserted in the CWE as Draft Projects" are as follows:
Note: The on-line CCSDS Strategic Plan can be viewed in the Management FW page (just at the bottom of the page)

SEA Area        Actionee: Peter Shames / Hiroshi Takeuchi

  *   CWE Doc. TBD Reference Information Architecture, Infrastructure Services and Interfaces (Magenta Book)
  *   CWE Doc. TBD XML Standards and Guidelines (Magenta Book)
  *   CWE Doc. TBD Timeline Data Standard (Blue Book
  *    CWE Doc. TBD Time Service Architecture (Magenta Book)
  *    CWE Doc. TBD CCSDS Standards Reference Architecture (Magenta Book)
  *    CCSDS 311.0-M Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (Issue 2)

MOIMS Area         Actionee: Mario Merri / Brigitte Behal
Several SM&C Draft Projects already existing. Please only check (and modify if needed) the planned  start date and CMC approval dates.
If NAV WG has Draft Projects to be inserted                 Actionee David Berry

CSS Area        Actionee: Erik Barkley / Margherita Di Giulio
Several Draft Projects already existing. Please only check (and modify if needed) the planned  start date and CMC approval dates.

  *   CWE Doc. TBD Cross Support Service Management: Best Practices (Magenta Book)

SLS Area        Actionee: Gain Paolo Calzolari / Gilles Moury

  *   CWE Doc. 401.0-B Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems--Part 1: Earth Stations and Spacecraft (Blue Book) (Issue XX) (including standards on Multiple Spacecraft Per Aperture [MSPA] techniques, on 22 GHz modulations, and on emergency communications)
  *   CWE Doc. 401.0-B Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems--Part 1: Earth Stations and Spacecraft (Blue Book) (Issue XX) (including recommendations of higher-order modulations for deep space applications)
  *   Development of new synchronization and channel coding schemes to be used with the Telecommand (TC) Space Data Link Protocol over ground-to-space communications links to improve performance in terms of distance and data rate
  *   Development of Recommended Practice for Adaptive Coded Modulation (ACM) for combinations of modulation and coding for channel-dependent effects.
  *   Development of standards for Erasure Correcting Codes for Near Earth and Deep Space communications to provide efficient countermeasures for guaranteeing reliable communications even at low signal-to-noise ratio regimes when conventional channel coding m
  *   Development of enhanced Space Data Link Protocol(s) to be based upon heritage from existing CCSDS Link Layer protocols, but providing the required services with higher performance and added security.
  *   CWE Doc. TBD Next Generation Space Data Link Protocol (Green Book)
  *   CWE Doc. TBD Next Generation Space Data Link Protocol (Blue Book)
  *   Security at Physical Layer
  *   Standardized method(s) for using real-time weather and atmospheric characterization data;
  *   Standards for modulation and coding for forward links
  *   Definition and recommendations for optical communications profiles.
  *   Green Book for optical communications physical layer and coding and synchronization sublayer

SIS Area        Actionee: Keith Scott / Tomaso De Cola

  *   CWE Doc. 734.n Bundle Protocol Network Management (Blue Book)
  *   CWE Doc. TBD SSI Streaming Service (Blue Book)
  *   CWE Doc. 734.n Framework for SSI Cross-Support and Administration (Green Book describing SSI coordinating function)
  *   CWE Doc. TBD Erasure Coding for LTP (Blue Book)

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