[Sis-dtn] Agenda for Fall 2014 Meetings

Scott, Keith L. kscott at mitre.org
Wed Oct 8 20:30:21 UTC 2014


I'm starting to put the agenda together for the November meeting (draft below).  The Motion Imagery folks would like to speak again about the Bundle Streaming Services, and I've put that early on the agenda.  Other than that, the things I would like to come OUT of the November meeting with are:

*       Dispositions for the Red-3 BP-for-CCSDS RIDS.  These are all in and I don't think there's anything that will necessitate a Red-4 review, so YEAH!

*       Agreed-to BP test plan and test cases.  I'm willing to devote some meeting time to a working session to make this happen, though it would be better if we could work it ahead of time.  I started a spreadsheet to collect test cases and start mapping them to the PICS at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjpmgoPqSLSLdGQySGtxdXBTZFZORVVrbHQzR1g4VHc#gid=0
If you can't get at Google Docs (e.g. agency restriction) let me know and I'll snap copies and send them to you (and incorporate any changes you make back!).

*       Plan to start working the next items on our plate, which I think are Network Management and Routing, followed by Security.

Thurs AM


0845 - 1230

Intro and Agenda Bashing

Keith Scott

Joint Meeting with SIS-MIA: Bundle Streaming Service

*        BSS status / implementations

*        Usage (who's experimenting with it / using it now)

*        Desired capabilities (anything it doesn't do that users think it should?)


NASA DTN Project Status

*        Network management

*        Bundle security mechanisms

Keith Scott

Disposition Red-3 RIDS on BP for CCSDS


Thurs PM

Forward Work

1330 - 1500

BP Interoperability Testing Working Meeting

*        BP Test Cases

*        Plan for interoperability testing

1500 - 1730


*        Network Management

*        Routing (CGR)

*        Security


Friday AM


0930 - 1000

BP Interoperability Testing

*        Work any remaining issues

Friday PM

0830 - 1200

ISS Institutional DTN

Adam Schlesinger / Lee Pitts


Kelvin Nichols

If you have other items for the agenda, please let me know.

                        Best Regards,


Dr. Keith Scott                                                                                           Office: +1.703.983.6547
Chief Engineer, J86A                                                                               Fax:      +1.703.983.7142
Communications Network Engineering & Analysis Email: kscott at mitre.org
The MITRE Corporation<http://www.mitre.org/>                                                                        M/S H300
7515 Colshire Drive
McLean, VA 22102

Area Director, CCSDS<http://www.ccsds.org/> Space Internetworking Services<http://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/default.aspx>

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