[SIS-CFDPV1] CFDP WG Meeting Huntsville 4/4 - CFDP UT Layers for SPP, EPP, BP, LTP, TCP, UDP

Felix Flentge Felix.Flentge at esa.int
Mon May 15 12:56:12 UTC 2023

Dear All,

For running CFDP over various UT Layers, the following is proposed:

  1.  EPP UT Layer (1 CFDP PDU per Encapsulation Packet - no change to current magenta book)
  2.  SPP UT Layer (1 CFDP PDU per Space Packet - no change to current magenta book)
  3.  BP UT Layer (n complete CFDP PDU per Bundle)
  4.  LTP UT Layer (n complete CFDP PDU per LTP Block)
  5.  TCP UT Layer (complete CFDP PDU in TCP stream without additional data)
  6.  UDP UT Layer (1 CFDP PDU per UDP datagram)

For UT Layers which allow aggregation of CFDP PDU:

  1.  Aggregation of CFDP PDU for different transactions is allowed
  2.  Aggregation of CFDP PDU with different destination entity IDs is not allowed.

Please note that we will need to clarify in the CFDP Blue Book (3.3) that in
(UT_SDU, UT Address)
(UT_SDU, UT Address)

UT_SDU can be a single or a sequence of CFDP PDU. Even more, for the indication UT_SDU could also be part of a stream of CFDP PDU for stream-oriented protocols such as TCP.

More details are included in a slightly updated presentation I have uploaded to CWE: https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc={57C79512-5BE6-4EE9-B3BE-3EA3D9753FC5}&file=CFDPoverX_MagentaBook_V2.pptx&action=default<https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=%7b57C79512-5BE6-4EE9-B3BE-3EA3D9753FC5%7d&file=CFDPoverX_MagentaBook_V2.pptx&action=default>

Please let us know about any doubts or complaints about the proposed approach.


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