Felix Flentge
Felix.Flentge at esa.int
Thu May 4 09:30:09 UTC 2023
Dear All,
The CCSDS Meetings in Huntsville are coming up soon. I have been able to move the CFDP WG Meeting to Tuesday morning to avoid conflicts with the DTN WG meetings starting Wednesday. I do hope that this is convenient to you and that many of you will be able to join in person or at least virtually (MS Teams link below).
Some meeting material is in CWE at
Spring 2023 - All Documents (ccsds.org)<https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsis%2Fdocs%2FSIS%2DCFDPV1%2FMeeting%20Materials%2F2023%2FSpring%202023&FolderCTID=0x012000050F193BA5186E4497F14E97DBA90814&View=%7B679CC4EC%2D20EF%2D4AB6%2D9FF7%2DD851E088D6B8%7D>
(and I hope to add more the next days.)
Please let me know if you have additional topics you would like to discuss or present (I assume we will have plenty of time).
1. CFDP 727.0-B-5 Pink Sheets - Draft is in CWE: 727x0b5_pink_Draft-A.doc (ccsds.org)<https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=%7b0DB2FE5B-F353-425B-BE4D-8844B74A871C%7d&file=727x0b5_pink_Draft-A.doc&action=default>
2. PICS Update - the idea is to make more features optional to ease implementation (e.g., just Class 1 for use over BP).
3. CFDP Green Book(s) - I think it would be worth to critically review those and update according to our mission implementation experience; any volunteers?
4. If we don't do 3), we might at least want to provide some additional information in the Annexes:
* State diagrams (they have been removed from the latest version of the Implementer's Guide and would require some updates); looking for volunteers
* Andy's diagram with the different PDU types (with maybe marking which are mandatory and which are optional to be implemented)
5. Update of CCSDS 722.1 - Magenta Book to include CFDP over BP, LTP, UDP, TCP (in addition to EPP / SPP).
6. AOB
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