Felix Flentge Felix.Flentge at esa.int
Fri Sep 30 11:01:52 UTC 2022

Dear All,

We will have the meeting of the CCSDS CFDP WG on Friday, 21/10/22, 09:00 - 12:30 as a hybrid meeting (Toulouse & MS Teams, see invite below).


1) (Minor) updates to the standard: I have uploaded an Excel table with proposed updates / clarification to CWE:


Please have a look and add any additional proposals to the table. We might want to start pink sheets for these small updates.

2) Introduction of a light CFDP Class 1 version, e.g. for running over BP or LTP (@Cheol: Please let me know if you want to present something)

3) CFDP PDU embedding into
-        EPP / SPP (update to CCSDS 722.1-M-1 ?)
-        BP
-        LTP
-        TCP/IP ? UDP ?

This all seems pretty straightforward but it is currently not really specified in CCSDS  (besides EPP/SPP). For BP and LTP we might want to have the option to aggregate complete CFDP PDU into a single bundle / LTP block. This might go to a Magenta Book or Annexes of the standard.

4) AOB

Please let me know if you have additional topics to discuss.
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