[SIS-CFDPV1] CCSDS CFDP WG Meeting 12 May / B5 Update Proposals

Felix.Flentge at esa.int Felix.Flentge at esa.int
Wed May 11 07:11:28 UTC 2022

Thanks Cheol,

in general I would see two approaches towards a 'tiny CFDP' 

1) define a minimum set of mandatory features based on existing CFDP Class 
1 and maintain full (or backward compatible) compatibility on PDU level
(so no filestore / proxy operations, may be limited to small files, no 
segment metadata, no record continuation, ...)

2) define a new file transfer protocol for use in DTN: for BP we could put 
a whole file + metadata in a single bundle and would have BP deal with 
fragmentation if necessary (however, IMHO we should try to avoid 
fragmentation as much as possible); for LTP we might need to define a 
mechanism for segmentation in case a file is larger the the maximum block 

I am wondering how much we would simplify by doing 2) (in particular, if 
we would have to handle segmentation). With 1) I see and advantage that we 
could easily define first hop / last hop services for assets which 
implement CFDP but not BP (which might be important during the transition 

We will discuss at the meeting. 


From:   "구철회" <chkoo at kari.re.kr>
To:     <Felix.Flentge at esa.int>
Cc:     <sis-cfdpv1 at mailman.ccsds.org>, <jpmayer at gmv.com>
Date:   11/05/2022 01:44
Subject:        RE: CCSDS CFDP WG Meeting 12 May / B5 Update Proposals
Sent by:        chkoo at kari.re.kr

Hi Felix,
I have put the presentation material for topic 2 at the ccsds cwe website.
Please find it from this link.

--------- 원본 메일 ---------
보낸사람 : <Felix.Flentge at esa.int>
받는사람 : <sis-cfdpv1 at mailman.ccsds.org>, <chkoo at kari.re.kr>, 
<jpmayer at gmv.com>
받은날짜 : 2022-05-10 (화) 19:58:21
제목 : CCSDS CFDP WG Meeting 12 May / B5 Update Proposals
Dear All, 

I have compiled a list of proposed updates to the CFDP B5 standard we 
should discuss at our meeting Thursday this week: 
B5_ProposedUpdates.xlsx (ccsds.org) 

We will have the meeting via MS Teams (see link below) on 12 May, 12.00 - 
14.00 UTC. I hope you can make it. 

This is the planned Agenda: 

1) Potential updates to the CFDP standard 
Abandon.Request (eg, to deal with safe modes) 
Clarification regarding and unbounded files 
option to send Finished PDU although transaction is suspended (remember 
PDU are ACK'ed even if suspended) 
clarification regarding sending empty files 
responding to NAK if not all file segments from a previous NAK have been 
How to react to NAK for unknown transactions 
2) Possible introduction of a light CFDP Class 1 version (Cheol) 

3) Way forward, schedule, .... 

4) AOB 

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