[SIS-CFDPV1] revised draft specification

Burleigh, Scott C (US 312B) scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 10 16:21:14 UTC 2019

Hi, all.  Following some additional discussion of the RID dispositions proposed in the Darmstadt meeting, we now have got a final (I hope) draft specification posted to CWE at https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/docs/SIS-CFDPV1/Draft%20Documents/727x0b5%20--%20Specification%20--%20Blue%20Book/727x0p42_working%204.doc?Web=1; PDF is at https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/docs/SIS-CFDPV1/Draft%20Documents/727x0b5%20--%20Specification%20--%20Blue%20Book/727x0p42_working%204.pdf.

This draft has gone to the Secretariat for final editing, but the technical stuff won't be changing unless we discover a problem in interoperability testing.

Speaking of which, I hope to do that (small, supplementary) interoperability test in January.  Cheol and Chenyunjun, please take one more look at the markups in the revised spec to make sure the final tweaks are reflected in your code?  I need to modify ION's CFDP as well and hope to have that done in early January.  We've discussed a plan for this supplementary testing, and we should try to tie off that discussion and finalize the plan sometime in the next couple of weeks.  (Holidays in the U.S. will complicate this, but it should still be doable.)

The end is in sight, I swear.

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