[SIS-CFDPV1] FW: [CESG] SLS Area considerations on Rome Meetings options

Scott, Keith L. kscott at mitre.org
Tue Apr 5 17:53:59 UTC 2016

I need to know your preferences for Option 1 (Week of October 17) or Option 2 (Week of October 24 and hold-over the holiday) date for the Fall meetings.  Please respond to this NOW and I’ll collect results and send them to Nestor.


Here are SLS Area considerations on Rome Meetings options.

Gian Paolo

Option 1
17 October

Option 2
24 October

DTN     OK - Strongest Preference       NO GO. Concurrent ITU Meeting. Both Chairpersons not available (as in CLE).
MIA     OK - Strongest Preference       Not preferred. Joint activities with VCM highly jeopardized.
VOICE   Preferred       Not preferred.
CFDP    NOT preferred. Concurrent conference may impact almost 50% members. Chairpersons are available. OK - Strongest Preference
MDHC WG         Not preferred. The Workshop in September may be too close to this date for good organization.   Preferred Option.
SDLS WG         Not preferred. But no real show stopper.        Preferred Option.
AD+DAD  Preferred.      Not preferred. The long interval may heavily impact attendance to CESG+CMC Joint.

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