[SIS-CFDPV1] RE: CFDP Revisions WG meeting

Burleigh, Scott C (312B) scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 17 00:04:57 UTC 2015

Hi.  I haven't heard any preferences from anybody in the WG on this topic, so I am making an executive decision.  We've got meeting rooms scheduled for both days, and (as it develops) I now have got a conflict of my own on Tuesday afternoon.  So:

*         I'll be in our scheduled meeting room all day Monday and will be glad to discuss the proposed RID resolutions with anyone who is available.  We will aim to make final decisions on all the RIDs that I propose to Accept, on the theory that they probably won't be controversial within the WG, but we won't make any final decisions on any RIDs that I propose to Reject.

*         On Tuesday morning we'll aim to resolve all of my proposed Reject RIDs.  We'll also nominate a Vice-Chair for the WG, as Dai Stanton unfortunately can no longer fill that role.

*         On Tuesday afternoon our nominated (maybe not formally confirmed; I have to look up the correct Procedure for this) Vice-Chair will take over and handle the remaining items on our agenda, and will adjourn the meeting.

*         If there are still lingering unresolved RIDs then we'll have to deal with them by email in the ensuing weeks.

Speaking of RIDs: I just now posted to CWE a PDF of all the RIDs and my proposed resolutions - 35 Accept, 19 Reject, 54 in all.  To find them, navigate in CWE like so: SIS-CFDPV1/Meeting Materials/2015/Spring.  I'll try to have them condensed into a spreadsheet for easy disposition by the time of the meeting.


From: sis-cfdpv1-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:sis-cfdpv1-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Burleigh, Scott C (312B)
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 4:15 PM
To: sis-cfdpv1 at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [SIS-CFDPV1] CFDP Revisions WG meeting

Hi, all.  A key member of our Working Group, Chris Taylor, will unfortunately not be available for our WG meeting scheduled for March 23 in Pasadena.  I believe it's critical to have Chris's input as we work to resolve the RIDs resulting from the Agency review of our Pink Book.  I've written to Nick Tongson, and Nick assures me that he's got conference rooms available for us on Tuesday.  I see three options:

1.       We can simply move our meeting from Monday to Tuesday.  But if there are those among us who have already got other commitments on Tuesday then this isn't so good.

2.       We can meet as planned on Monday, and I can catch up privately with Chris on Tuesday.  This is okay, except that I think it would be better if everybody had a chance to exchange views with Chris.

3.       We can move the meeting from Monday to Tuesday, but I will meet privately on Monday with anyone who is not available on Tuesday.  This suffers from essentially the same drawback as option 2.

What would you all prefer?

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