[SEA-XSG] RE: Updates to CCSDS CWE for XML SIG

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 2 00:20:36 UTC 2014


A few comments:

1) yes, by all means let's get the RFC out to the IETF ASAP.   The cross support services area will, in the very near future, start sub-namespacing (how's that for a new verb? - or "SNIDing" to go with the RFC), as we are rapidly approaching blue-1 documents that will need to have namespaces associated with them. The intention is to utilize the definitions in the RFC as our starting point.

2) The google recommendations, comments are good as far as they go, but there are, I believe some deeper concerns - the "short" is good for Russian Doll design does not really get into other issues such as allowing for late binding (although the way to run-time extensibility) vs., how tight the control over schema is to be.  These kind of considerations should also factor into schema design.   There may be similar concerns when dealing with RelaxNG and/or JSON, etc

3) I suspect the real issue is not so much SIG vs WG (although I agreed with and supported the CESG consensus to move to a WG to help get a better focus) as it really is availability of key folks in CCSDS vs their chairing other efforts etc.   That's ultimately a budget issue, but perhaps if we agree to the XSG meeting now at, say 3:30 - 5 pm on Monday March 23 (first day of spring meetings) we can start factoring that into the other calendars.

Best regards,


From: sea-xsg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:sea-xsg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Shames, Peter M (312B)
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:15 PM
Subject: [SEA-XSG] Updates to CCSDS CWE for XML SIG
Importance: High

Dear XML SIG colleagues,

I have just updated the entries in the CWE to reflect the work that was done on the XML SIG.  The files include the working notes, an analysis of the XML Guidelines issues (separate from the XML namespace), and the updated versions of the CCSDS XML Namespace RFC and the XML Namespace guidelines.  These may all be found here:


The two XML namespace documens have been sent to Marc Blanchet.  He has the originals and is on the hook to produce the edits to these, ready for submission to the CESG & CMC, by 5 Dec 2014.  Once these edits are done we will do the following:

  1.  Send the docs to the CESG with a recommendation that they be submitted to the IETF for their approval
  2.  Once this is done send the docs to the CMC for approval
  3.  Once that is done, Marc will forward the docs to the IETF for their approval and publication
  4.  That will, once accomplished, register the CCSDS namespace in the Internet
During the CESG and CMC discussions I proposed closing the XML SIG and moving the last topic, that of CCSDS XML Guidelines, to the SEA System Architecture WG (SAWG) that is now proposed to be re-started.   That technical topic is probably better dealt with in a standing working group than in a SIG that gets scant attention from its members.  The CESG & CMC agreed that the XML guidelines work was better handled in a full WG, but asked that the XSG SIG be preserved as what will be effectively a CCSDS XML expert group that will monitor all XML technical and policy changes.

Accordingly I will send a Resolution to the CESG that the XML SIG be re-chartered to include only the CCSDS XML Namespace project and to be re-cast as a standing SIG that will monitor all of the CCSDS XML technical and policy work.  I see the main role of the SIG to provide coordination across the several WG that have XML interests.  I believe that we can do that work using a combination of email echanges and telecons.

If any of you have issues or concerns with this approach please voice them now.

Best regards and good wishes for a happy holiday season.
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