[Sea-sa] Meeting reminder - SEA SAWG, SCCS-ARD monthly working meeting

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jun 1 23:46:25 UTC 2023

Dear SAWG colleagues,

It feels like we were just in Huntsville, and here it is time for another virtual working meeting.

According to my notes the ABA sections are largely stable and we were working our way through the SSI portions of the changes.  I know that Faramaz has been working on these sections, so I think that is the likely focus for this meeting.  If there are other subjects please bring them up.

A related topic is the SSI “Stages” and the DTN security discussions that occurred in Huntsville.  There has been a shift in the DTN WG to include more of these considerations, and I believe that they are supportive of the distinctions we wish to draw between SSI Stage 2a and SSI Stage 2b.  I will verify that with them.

“See you” soon.

Best regards, Peter

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