[Sea-sa] Notes from 1 March 2017 SAWG telecon

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Mar 6 19:27:16 UTC 2017

SAWG Telecon – 1 Mar 17

Attendees: Ray Krosley, Roger Thompson, Huang Yonghui, Peter Shames

Concluded discussion of issues with proposed Green Book outline

Discussed and agreed to changes that Roger had proposed to the outline

1.       Shift of focus from nodes and protocol deployments to functions and function deployments

2.       Agreement that any set of new nodes we introduce are just examples, and that they will neither be normative nor a complete list

3.       Agreed to stick with the ISO Seven Layer model, but to add an eighth layer for application support services like message bus or file transport

4.       Agreed to other changes to the outline, as captured in the mark-ups that Roger prepared, including changes to how the ABA and SSI are discussed and merging the MOIMS sections 7.3 and 7.4 into one section with subsections

5.       Identified some name and address issues that will need to be consistently addressed across MOIMS and SOIS.  There is different terminology in use and different ideas of zones, domains, etc that need to be sorted out.

6.       The name and address issues, once sorted, should result in a new set of SANA registries for the key items.  These may be replicated and distributed, but there ought to be a central set for consistency.

7.       In sec 7.5 we have to address how to handle interoperability in the space protocols

8.       In Sec 8.1 we need to determine the useful, minimal, set of nodes, as noted above in 2., and address what level of interoperability will be possible.

9.       In Sec 7 we will include the protocol stacks and several pairwise examples of deployments as examples.

Action items:

-          RT: to distribute the marked up version of the document from this telecon

-          All: Review the initial draft analysis of the MAL and SEDS (attached)

-          RT: Responsibility for the MOIMS specific section and those parts of other sections that relate to MOIMS

-          RK: Responsibility for the SOIS specific section and those parts of other sections that relate to SOIS

-          PS: Responsibility for the Security specific section and for the introductory materials and those inherited from the SCCS-ARD

-          All: for next telecon …

o    Review existing materials for alignment with outline

o    Identify gaps, missing items, and disconnects

o    Markup outline with notes about where your content fits in

Next Telecons:
1.      13 March 2017 (Monday, 0700 Pacific)
2.       30 March 2017 (Thursday, 0700 Pacific)

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