[Sea-ia] [SEA-all] SEA Meetings

Peter Shames peter.shames@jpl.nasa.gov
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 16:33:37 -0700

Dear Colleagues,

The first meeting of the new CCSDS System Engineering Area (SEA) is 
being held in Columbia, MD from 23-29 October.  This includes a 
plenary session and separate meetings of the System Architecture and 
Security Working groups and the Information Architecture BoF.

You will find a detailed agenda at:


The meetings are being held at the Sparta facilities in Columbia. 
Please go to:


for maps and directions to Sparta's office.

We would like to know who is coming to these meetings, so please go 
to the CCSDS web site and register for them now.  You will find that 


We are all looking forward to an exciting set of meetings and hope to 
see you there.

Best regards  Peter Shames


Peter Shames
CCSDS System Engineering Area Director

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 301-265
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA

Telephone: +1 818 354-5740,  Fax: +1 818 393-1333

Internet:  Peter.Shames@jpl.nasa.gov

We must recognize the strong and undeniable influence that our 
language exerts on our ways of thinking and, in fact, delimits the 
abstract space in which we can formulate - give form to - our 

							Niklaus Wirth
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