[Sea-ia] CCSDS Fall Information Architecture BOF Meeting
Peter Shames
Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:59:11 -0800
Congratulations to Dan and the Information Architecture Working Group
on its formation. I am really looking forward to working with all of
you as we define and refine this Information Architecture.
Very best regards, Peter Shames
At 9:55 PM -0800 11/18/03, Dan Crichton wrote:
>Dear CCSDS Info Arch Members:
>1. The fall Info Arch BOF meeting was held in Columbia, MD October
>27 - 28. The meeting consisted of finalization of a charter for
>the activity, review of an initial storybook, presentation on the
>packaging work presented at the MOIMS packaging meeting at RAL, and
>a presentation on the JPL data product service work, which uses
>packages for delivery,for the Deep Space Network. At that meeting,
>a near term schedule was decided on as follows:
> a. Submit Info Arch charter to CESG for approval as a working
>group effective immediately.
> b. Generate a white book based on the current storybook for
>internal review
> c. Hold an interim meeting in the February - March time frame to
>review the white book across agencies
> d. Hold a meeting at the Spring CCSDS Meetings in Montreal for
>Info Arch and finalize the white book for publication
>2. On 11/3/03 the CESG voted to turn the Info Arch BOF into a WG
>within the System Engineering and Architecture area.
>3. Attached is a copy of the WG charter, the Storybook presentation
>discussed at the fall meeting, and a summary of the results of the
>We will be sending out an initial draft White Book for the Space
>Information Architecture by early December.
>Please feel free to forward these materials to anyone else in your
>organization who might be interested. Ask them to Email me if they
>wish to be added to the Email discussion list.
>Thank you for your participation in this effort and please feel free
>to contact me should you have any questions.
>Dan Crichton
>Chair, CCSDS Information Architecture WG, System Engineering and Architecture
>NASA Jet Propulsion Labs
>Pasadena, California
>Attachment converted: Orgone HD:Info_Arch_Report1 1.ppt (SLD3/PPT3) (00311350)
>Attachment converted: Orgone HD:SEA-IA-WG-CHARTER-27Oct03 3.pdf (PDF
>/CARO) (00311353)
>Attachment converted: Orgone HD:Storybook-Arch-InfoO-Oct03.ppt
>(SLD3/PPT3) (00311358)
Peter Shames
CCSDS System Engineering Area Director
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 301-265
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Telephone: +1 818 354-5740, Fax: +1 818 393-1333
Internet: Peter.Shames@jpl.nasa.gov
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