[Sea-d-dor] [SEA-all] CESG report to the CMC

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Nov 19 11:00:18 UTC 2014

Dear SEA colleagues,

If you wish to see the final report from the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG, all of the Area Directors speaking for the Working Groups) to the CCSDS Management Council (CMC, all of the representatives from each member space agency) please see the attached.  Hopefully you will find in here, in the SEA report, representations of the work all of you have been doing.  You will also see the work being done in other areas, which may be of interest for some of you.

The second presentation is the list of other items that the CESG has brought to the attention of the CMC.  These are items that arose in the CESG deliberations, so they reflect the consensus of the CESG as to a set of issues that tend to be cross cutting.  You may find these of interest.

And thanks again for all of your hard work.

Regards, Peter

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